Monday, February 9, 2009

A Great Catch

Lucky you! The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.

2. What I create will be just for you.

3. It'll be done sometime in 2009.

4. You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a crocheted gift, a quilting gift, a set of hand made cards, a homebaked gift....Who know? Not you, that's for sure!

5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog.

The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

So....who will be the first 5 people??  (I think only two people read my blog, including the one who I got this from, so this should be interesting!)

Lessons to be Thankful

I was thinking today that I'm not a very thankful person...or at least I don't take the time to give thanks.

I've decided to try to write down everyday (here or in my journal -yeah, I write in that a lot {can you feel the sarcasm?}) on something I'm thankful for.

Today I had a very busy schedule:

7:40-8:10 - Cross Guarding
Puppy sitting right after that to about 8:35
Then I drive up to the back gate to Camp Pendleton to nanny a little 5-month old girl
9-1 - Nanny
leave there and go back to puppy sit
leave puppy at 2pm and drive out to the school
2:25-3:10 - Cross Guard
Go to the Fandey's to work with David from 4-6
Eat some sort of dinner
7-9 - Childcare for the Beginning's class

At about 1:15 in my day, I get a call from David and he is asking if we can postpone our meeting until tomorrow morning since he was on  a roll on his sermon and wanted to keep going while he had the time. No problem. 

After I got off the phone it dawned on me that God had provided me a little break in my day. Yesterday I hoped to get to over to Costco to do some grocery shopping, but knew that there would be no time my day today. But with this sudden open time frame I was able to go and stock up on food. Thank you, God for giving me that time! Maybe tomorrow He'll clean my room for me!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh my gosh! People read my post!

I'm shocked! Really, I am! I don't necessarily find myself all that interesting, or at least I don't find what I have to write about all that interesting. And for somebody to actually read it, and comment, well, that's just cool. Thanks!

Let me throw out there my biggest excuse for not writing: I have a lot of jobs...

I'm the Administrative Assistant for my pastor at the Fields Church
I'm a crossing guard for Magnolia Elementary
I take care of a puppy twice a day
I nanny to a little four month old baby girl twice a week
I babysit...a lot

Don't get me wrong, I love being busy and I love all the various jobs I do in one day, but man, does it keep me moving!

I can't live without my calendar anymore. You should see it, it's all color coded! 

Now this is the point where I go, um, what do I write about? If I can't think of anything, should I even bother?

Oh, here's something:

For for the past three week, my pastor, David, has been in Africa with Acts 29 International training and equipping other pastors over there. While he's been gone, I basically moved in with his wife, Wilma, and their 5 kids. I've stayed every night with her in the king size bed along with at least one kid, some nights up to three. 

Well, he came home yesterday and I went with Wilma and the kids to the airport to pick up David because he was going to take his Wilma straight to a hotel after we picked him up and I was going to bring the kids home and stay one last night with them.

So I put the kids to bed and Katherine, Benjamin, and Timothy decided to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed with me. When I finally went to bed myself, there was three little kiddos all nicely laying in the bed, under the covers and all their heads on the pillows. 

About half way through the night, I couldn't pull the cover over myself because Benjamin kept kicking his legs out of the covers and sleeping on top of them. I managed to get him back under the covers and noticed that Timothy on the far end of the bed was backwards. His feet were on the pillow and his head down where his feet should be. I carefully picked him up and turned him around and snuggled back into my comfy warm spot and feel asleep.

Sure enough, I wake up again to tuck Benjamin's legs back under the covers (for the umteenth time) and I notice this time that Katherine's head is down near Timothy's feet. Odd. Oh, well, I wasn't going to bother. It was my goal to attempt to sleep in this morning. Foolish goal.

When I finally woke up, all three kids were sleeping diagonally in the bed. It was the funniest thing. They all managed to work themselves at an angle without disrupting one another. I happen to have my phone next to me so I snapped a picture on my phone. 

Well, I have to move out and go back home today. I'll have to go back to my twin size bed. Kids make great little heaters in bed; they're so warm. Guess I should get a cat.