Sunday, January 25, 2009

June, huh?

I think my last post was in June. Yeah. See what I mean about not being a writer? I'm gonna through out this post and see if more than myself will read it. I would really like to be able to write on semi regular basis to allow friends and family to actually keep up on my life. But you know me, (or at least I know me) and that will probably only happen once every 6 months. of course, who will be checking my blog that often when they see that I never have any new post? I guess I could advertise on facebook....

So one of my goals this year was to try to finish more projects that I starting pre-2009 before I start a bunch of new ones. So here are the stats so far:

binding 2 quilts
2 quilt tops
-Total: 4!
only 2! 

So 4-2 isn't bad for me at all! I'm the queen at starting project after project and not coming back to finish them until years later. Of course, once I get those 2 quilt tops quilted (I'm thinking that will happen in March sometime) they'll go back into the "To Finish" pile to bind them. Now that may seem like something easy to do....just have to bind it....right? Well, one of those 2 quilts that I finished binding I had for probably 10 years to bind. Hopefully it wont take me that long to finish this time. 

I also have a pair of my friend's pants to mend that have been in my possession for moths. And I've been meaning to make my roommate some Scrubs since I moved in; back in August. 

And I think I should mention that one of the quilt tops I finished I've had practically completed except for the center block for about 3 years. The center block was an applique block and since I didn't know how to applique, I never finished it. But my friend taught me how to applique a few weeks ago and I was able to finish! I feel so great to be done with that one!! 

Now I just need to work on my sister's and her husband wedding quilt. They got married almost 3 years ago. I figure it will make a good 5 year anniversary gift. Right? 

You know? I hate proof reading. I will probably not re-read this and check for typos and bad grammar. If anybody even reads this, I'm sure they'll extend me grace....I hope!