Saturday, May 31, 2008


This is what Saturday's were made for! Lounging around in your PJ's all day watching TV! It feels good to do nothing once in awhile!

I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead of me!!

God is so good!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

You don't own the road!

"Do you not see my blinker!!!"

It's either that or you are just a jerk and not letting me in!!

Why does it seems that once you put your little courtesy blinker on to let the other drivers know that you want to enter their lane, they never let you in! It probably would have been easier off if I just cut them off!!

Drivers are either extremely oblivious or just plane rude! Does it really matter a whole lot if you have one more car in front of you? I mean, I'm probably planning on turning off this road soon and need to get over to do so, but noooooo!! I can't!! You won't let me over! I'm going to miss my turn and have to find a place to turn around, cross traffic and try it again because you are too self centered or too stupid to lift you foot slightly off the zoom zoom pedal to allow me to squeeze in!

Maybe I do this too and I only think I'm better than everybody else. Maybe....

How about we all try to pay a little more attention out there on the road, swallow a little pride and be a little courteous. I know you're in a hurry, so is everybody else.

And use your blinkers!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

attempt number three

I suck at this. I tried two times in the past to maintain a blog. I can't write. It's not my passion. I suck a journaling too. We'll see. I'll try it again. Like my parents said about me....third time's the charm.